Szeged - the city of sunshine
Now that autumn is here, it feels good to look back on summer memories - although I have to admit that I am looking forward to Christmas too! In the middle of September (I think that weekend was the last summer weekend of this year) we were invited to a wedding. On Sunday we were a bit tired (and hangover) with Viktor after dancing until dawn so we took a walk around Szeged which is just as beautiful as I remembered. I haven't been to Szeged since I was a little girl.
It's still strange for me that we are that age that our friends are getting engaged, married or having a baby... and we spend all of our money to traveling. I think (or I hope) that many people are living like this at their early twenties. Of course I know that I should be a responsible adult, and I am really... but sometimes I feel a little younger than I am. And I use the word 'young' in terms of being freed from all kinds of responsibilites, and not like the opposite of 'old'. For a couple of years I just want to collect memories, chase new adventures, travel a lot with Viktor, have a beer on our balcony on the summer evenings and order a pizza on a Wednesday night instead of cooking.
A hűvös őszi napokon jólesik a nyárra emlékezni - bár be kell vallanom, már a karácsonyt is őrülten várom :D Szeptember közepén, szerintem az utolsó, igazán meleg nyári hétvégén, Viktorral egy szegedi esküvőre voltunk hivatalosak. Vasárnap, a hajnalig tartó mulatozástól kicsit fáradtan, sétáltunk egyet a belvárosban: épp olyan szép volt, mint amilyenre emlékeztem.
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